Guest lecture on “Essence of Success Through ayurveda, yoga and beyond”

New Education Policy2020 has played a significant role in the development of education system in India which focuses on the holistic and enjoyable learning of the learners. These recommendations of the NEP 2020 have resulted in a paradigm shift in education. This concept contributes to the overarching goal of developing a robust and inclusive higher education system that empowers individuals, drives socio-economic development, and enhances the overall well-being of society. In an attempt to understand the concept of overall  development and enjoyable learning through NEP, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune took the initiative to organize a offline guest lecture on  “Essence of Success Through Ayurveda, Yoga and Beyond” on 8th Feb,2025. This lecture aims that the essence of success through Ayurveda, Yoga, and beyond revolves around achieving holistic well-being, balance, and self-realization.



Education and research often focus on intellectual growth, yet the inclusion of spirituality brings an essential dimension that nurtures ethical values, self-awareness, and inner balance. With this perspective, the programme explored how integrating spirituality into teaching and research practices can lead to more meaningful outcomes, inspiring educators and researchers to align academic pursuits with deeper human values, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune took the initiative to organize one-week Online Faculty Development Program on the topic “The Role of Spirituality In Transforming Education & Research” from 27th Jan to 31st Jan 2025.

Glimpses of Inaugural Session                                                                                   Glimpses of Activity by Chief Guest of the day Dr. Ridhima Dua

     Technical Session 1,2 : - Spiritual Leadership

  Day 1: Technical Session 2- Aligning personal wellbeing with professional growth 


 Day 2: Technical Session 1- Creating Sacred and Energetic Learning Spaces

Glimpses of Day 3: Technical Session 2- Empowering students to embrace uncertainty and adaptability

           Glimpses of Day 4:Outside activity                                                       Glimpses of Day 5: Session – Team Building activity at Bharti Resort

Awareness Session on "Employability Assessment"

An Employability Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess an individual's readiness, potential, and suitability for employment. These assessments are used by individuals, organizations, or educational institutions to identify strengths, areas for development, and opportunities for career success.

Session for First year students conducted by Mr.Suraj                                                         FE students for the session


Awareness Programme on “Gender Sensitivity”

Gender sensitivity refers to the awareness and understanding of the different needs, roles, and experiences of individuals based on their gender. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing how societal norms and structures impact gender relations and the distribution of power.

Awareness programme on “Gender Sensitivity” of Dr. Nilangi Sardeshpande , Designated Partner ,Praniti Healthcare Solution, LLP  was arranged for  First Year B. Tech students on 03 /10/2024 and 04/10/2024  



Felicitation  by Dr. Manisha Tanwer ,HoD F.Y B.Tech and Dr. Mrs Smita Pataskar ,Dean Students  affairs

          Dr. Nilangi Sardesai addressing First Year B.Tech Students




Welcome Function & Induction Program (2024-25)

As a regular attribute of our institute First Year Engineering Department organized F.E Welcome Function on 12th September 2024 in “Shantai Sabhagruha” and it’s live telecast was done in MCA Seminar Hall. This programme was conducted in two sessions, first session for Cycle I (Computer, IT and AIDS) from 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and second session for Cycle II (Mechanical, Civil, E & TC , R & A ,Instrumentation & Control) from 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Campus Director RAdm Amit Vikram (Retd), Senior Manager Capgemini, Mr. Atul Singh, Principal DYPCOE Dr. Mrs P. Malathi, I/C Soft Skill Department Mrs Swati Jadhav, Dean campus placements Mrs Jasmita Kaur, HOD Humanities, Social Sciences and Management Dr S M Shiyekar HOD FY B.Tech Dr Manisha Tanwer were the dignitaries on the dias. All HODs and Section In-Charges were present in the programme.

                   Dignitaries on the Dias                                                                          Student and parents present in the programme


     Felicitation of Chief Guest Mr. Atul Singh,  Senior Manager Capgemini              Felication of toppers of academic year 2023-2024

      by campus director RAdm Amit Vikram (Retd)                                                                                                                                  

Dr.P Malathi(Principal) addressed to the gathering.                                             Dr Manisha Tanwer(HOD FE) expressed her views to focus on Academics.



Address by Mrs Jasmita Kaur Dean campus placements                  Address by Dr S M Shiyekar HOD Humanitics,Social Sciences and Managenent


Dr.Shrirang Gokhale delivered lecture related to health issues.


Introduction of various clubs of various departmenrs for benifit of First Yesr Students.


Introduction of various departments of college by their HOD


Paper bag making activity by FE students


CPR ( cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Demonstration                                        CPR review information by Mr Arjun Rambhau Ax

Guest Lecture on Financial Literacy by Mr.Ulhas Tilekar                                                Felicitation of Mr Tilekar by Dr Manisha Tanwer


 First Year students for session




In an attempt to understand the concept of holistic development and enjoyable learning through NEP, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune took the initiative to organize one-week Online Faculty 
Development Program on the topic “Holistic Development through National Education Policy 2020” from 22nd July‟ to 26th July‟ 2024 on MS Teams. 

Course Contents/Highlights 
1. Understand the Constitution of India 
2. Importance of Effective Communication Development in Higher Education 
3. Strengthening National Integration through Modern Indian Languages 
4. Glory of Ancient India 
5. Stress Management through Spirituality



Parent- Teacher Meet 

Date: 23/02/2019

Title: Parent- Teacher Meet for First Year Engineering students (A. Y. 2018-19) Sem-II.

Parent- Teacher meet for  FE students was conducted on 23rd February 2019.  Around 100+ parents attended the PTM.  It was conducted in allotted classrooms class teachers and teacher guardians interact with the parents regarding attendance and academic performance of students. 

   Interaction of Teacher-Guardian With Parents

       Discussion with Parents




Parent- Teacher Meet 

Date: 22/09/2018

Title: Parent- Teacher Meet for First Year Engineering students (A. Y. 2018-19) SEM-I.

Parent- Teacher meet for  FE students was conducted on 22nd September 2018.  Around 150+ parents attended the PTM. It was conducted in  “Shantai Auditorium”   In this PTM, Vice-Principal and Dean Academics had addressed the gathering.  Further in allotted classrooms class teachers and teacher guardians interact with the parents regarding attendance and academic performance of students. 

           Lamp Lightning Ceremony at PTM

Dr. S. K. Babar (Dean Academics) addressed the gathering.

              Discussion with Parents

Welcome Function & Induction Program 

Date: 03/08/2018

Title: Welcome Function & Induction Programme for Newly admitted First Year Engineering students (A. Y. 2018-19).

Welcome Function & Induction Programme for newly admitted FE students was conducted from 26th July, 2018 as per guidelines given by AICTE. In this function around 1000+ students & their parents had attended the function. It was conducted in two sessions in “Shantai Auditorium”  In this function, Campus Director, Principal, Dean Campus Placement, Dean Campus Training and Dean Academics had addressed the gathering. Toppers of last academic year had shared their experience with the new students. Further the students who are placed in campus placement and entrepreneur also shared their views and guided Newly admitted First Year Students.


Schedule for Day 2 


Hon. Campus Director addressed the gathering.

Principal, Dr. Vijay. M. Wadhai addressed the parents and students


Dr. S. K. Babar (Dean Academics) expressed his views to focus on academics

Felicitation of toppers of academic year 2017-18 by the hands of Hon. Col. S. K. Joshi, (Campus Director)

Speech by Mr. Pratik  Thakare First topper of FE A. Y 2017-18

Schedule for Day 3 


Dr.Shrirang Gokhale delivered lecture related to health issues

Students and faculties attended the guest lecture on "KNOW YOUR PASSWORD TO HEALTH"


Schedule for Day 4 


Introduction various departments of college by their HOD

Introduction of various clubs to the students

Creative Arts Sessions for students

 Guest Lecture