Course Outcome for Semester I and Semester II  A.Y 2023 - 24 :


Sr. No.


 Class: SE                                           Discrete Mathematics


Design and analyze real world engineering problems by applying set theory, propositional
logic and mathematical induction


Develop skill in expressing mathematical properties of relation and function


Identify number of logical possibilities of events to design professional engineering Solutions


Model and solve computing problem using tree and graph Analyze the properties of binary
operations and evaluate the algebraic structure 


Apply abstract algebra in combinatorics, coding theory and questions regarding geometric

 Class: SE                              Fundamentals Of Data Structures


To demonstrate a detailed understanding of behaviour of data structures like array, linked
list, stack, and queue by developing programs.


To use appropriate algorithmic strategy for better efficiency


To summarize data searching and sorting techniques.


To discriminate the usage of various structures in approaching the problem solution


To analyze and use effective and efficient data structures in solving various Computer
Engineering domain problems. 


To design the algorithms to solve the programming problems.

 Class: SE                      Object Oriented Programming


Analyze the strengths of object oriented programming 


Design and apply OOP principles for effective programming


Develop the application using object oriented programming language(C++)


Apply object-oriented concepts for advanced programming.

Class: SE                        Computer Graphics           


Define basic terminologies of Computer Graphics, interpret the mathematical foundation of
the concepts of computer graphics and apply mathematics to develop Computer programs
for elementary graphic operations


Define the concept of windowing and clipping and apply various algorithms to fill and clip


Explain the core concepts of computer graphics, including transformation in two and three
dimensions, viewing and projection.


 Explain the concepts of color models, lighting, shading models and hidden surface


Describe the fundamentals of curves, fractals, animation and gaming. 

  Class: SE                     Digital Electronics and Logic Design


Simplify Boolean Expressions using K Map


Design and implement combinational circuits


Design and implement sequential circuits


Develop simple real-world application using ASM and PLD


Choose appropriate logic families IC packages as per the given design specifications


Explain organization and architecture of computer system


Class : SE                         Humanity & Social Science


Aware of the various issues concerning humans and society.


Aware about their responsibilities towards society.


Sensitized about broader issues regarding the social, cultural, economic and human aspects,
involved in social changes.


Able to understand the nature of the individual and the relationship between self and the


Able to understand major ideas, values, beliefs, and experiences that have shaped human
history and cultures. 

 Class: SE                         Engineering Mathematics                                        


Solve Linear differential equations, essential in modelling and design of computer-based systems


Apply concept of Fourier transform and Z-transform and its applications to continuous and discrete systems and image processing.


Apply Statistical methods like correlation and regression analysis and probability theory for data analysis and predictions in machine learning.


Solve Algebraic and Transcendental equations and System of linear equations using numerical techniques


Obtain Interpolating polynomials, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations used in modern scientific computing

 Class: SE            Data Structures and Algorithm.


Identify and articulate the complexity goals and benefits of a good hashing scheme for real- world applications

Apply non-linear data structures for solving problems of various domain


Design and specify the operations of a nonlinear-based abstract data type and implement them in a high-level programming language

4 Analyze the algorithmic solutions for resource requirements and optimization
5 Use efficient indexing methods and multiway search techniques to store and maintain data
6 Use appropriate modern tools to understand and analyze the functionalities confined to the secondary storage.
Class : SE                Software Engineering
1 Analyze software requirements and formulate design solution for a software
2  Design applicable solutions in one or more application domains using software engineering
 approaches that integrate ethical, social, legal and economic concerns
3 Apply new software models, techniques and technologies to bring out innovative and
 novelistic solutions for the growth of the society in all aspects and evolving into their
continuous professional development
4  Model and design User interface and component-level.
5 Identify and handle risk management and software configuration management
6 Utilize knowledge of software testing approaches, approaches to verification and validation.
7 Construct software of high quality – software that is reliable, and that is reasonably easy to
 understand, modify and maintain efficient, reliable, robust and cost-effective software solutions. 
Class :SE      Microprocessor
1 To apply the assembly language programming to develop small real life embedded
2 To understand the architecture of the advanced processor thoroughly to use the resources for
3 To understand the higher processor architectures descended from 80386 architecture
Class :SE      Principles of Programming Languages
1 Make use of basic principles of programming languages
2 Able to develop a program with Data representation and Computations
3 Able to develop programs using Object Oriented Programming language : Java
4 Develop application using inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism
5 Able to demonstrate Applet and Multithreading for robust application development 
6 Able to develop a simple program using basic concepts of Functional and Logical
programming paradigm

 Class: TE            Database and Management System.


Analyze and design Database Management System using ER model

Implement database queries using database languages.


Normalize the database design using normal forms.

4 Apply Transaction Management concepts in real-time situations.

Use NoSQL databases for processing unstructured data.


Differentiate between Complex Data Types and analyze the use of appropriate data types.

 Class: TE            Theory Of Computation


Understand formal language, translation logic, essentials of translation, alphabets, language representation and apply it to design Finite Automata and its variants.


Construct regular expression to present regular language and understand pumping lemma for RE.

3 Design Context Free Grammars and learn to simplify the grammar.
4 Construct Pushdown Automaton model for the Context Free Language.

Devise Turing Machine for the different requirements outlined by theoretical computer science.

6 Analyze different classes of problems, and study concepts of NP completeness.

  Class: TE                                    Systems Programming and Operating Systems


Analyze and synthesize basic System Software and its functionality.

2 Identify suitable data structures and Design & Implement various System Software.
3 Compare different loading schemes and analyze the performance of linker and loader.
4 Implement and Analyze the performance of process scheduling algorithms.

Identify the mechanism to deal with deadlock and concurrency issues.

6 Demonstrate memory organization and memory management policies.

  Class: TE            Computer Networks and Security                                        


Summarize fundamental concepts of Computer Networks, architectures, protocols and technologies.


Illustrate the working and functions of data link layer


Analyze the working of different routing protocols and mechanisms.


Implement client-server applications using sockets.


Illustrate role of application layer with its protocols, client-server architectures.


Comprehend the basics of Network Security.

  Class: TE                                Internet of Things and Embedded Systems.       


Understand the fundamentals and need of Embedded Systems for the Internet of Things.

2 Apply IoT enabling technologies for developing IoT systems
3 Apply design methodology for designing and implementing IoT applications.

Analyze IoT protocols for making IoT devices communication.


Design cloud based IoT systems.

6 Design and Develop secured IoT applications.

  Class: TE                           Distributed Systems                                                   


Analyze Distributed Systems types and architectural styles


Implement communication mechanism in Distributed Systems.


Implement the synchronization algorithms in Distributed System applications


Develop the components of Distributed File System.


Apply replication techniques and consistency model in Distributed Systems.


Build fault tolerant Distributed Systems.

  Class: TE              Software Project Management.


Comprehend Project Management Concepts.


Use various tools of Software Project Management.


Schedule various activities in software projects


Track a project and manage changes


Apply Agile Project Management.


Analyze staffing process for team building and decision making in Software Projects and Management.

 Class: TE                                    Data Science and Big data Analytics        


Analyze needs and challenges for Data Science Big Data Analytics.


Apply statistics for Big Data Analytics


Apply the lifecycle of Big Data analytics to real world problems


Implement Big Data Analytics using Python programming


Implement data visualization using visualization tools in Python programming


Design and implement Big Databases using the Hadoop ecosystem

   Class: TE                                      Web Technology       

1 Implement and analyze behavior of web pages using HTML and CSS
2 Apply the client side technologies for web development.
3 Analyze the concepts of Servlet and JSP.
4 Analyze the Web services and frameworks.
5 Apply the server side technologies for web development
6 Create the effective web applications for business functionalities using latest web development platforms.
 Class: TE                                     Artificial Intelligence


 Identify and apply suitable Intelligent agents for various AI applications


 Build smart system using different informed search / uninformed search or heuristic approaches


 Identify knowledge associated and represent it by ontological engineering to plan a strategy to solve given problem


Apply the suitable algorithms to solve AI problems


 Implement ideas underlying modern logical inference systems


 Represent complex problems with expressive yet carefully constrained language of representation
 Class: TE                                     Information Security


 Model the cyber security threats and apply formal procedures to defend the attacks


 Apply appropriate cryptographic techniques by learning symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography


 Design and analyze web security solutions by deploying various cryptographic techniques along with data integrity algorithms.


Identify and Evaluate Information Security threats and vulnerabilities in Information systems and apply security measures to real time scenarios.

Demonstrate the use of standards and cyber laws to enhance Information Security in the development process and infrastructure protection

 Class: TE                                     Cloud Computing
1 Understand the different Cloud Computing environment
2 Use appropriate data storage technique on Cloud, based on Cloud application
3 Analyze virtualization technology and install virtualization software
4 Develop and deploy applications on Cloud

Apply security in cloud applications

6 Use advance techniques in Cloud Computing
Class: BE                                   Design and Analysis of Algorithms
1 Formulate the problem
2 Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms
3 Decide and apply algorithmic strategies to solve given problem
4 Find optimal solution by applying various methods 
5 Analyze and Apply Scheduling and Sorting Algorithms
6 Solve problems for multi-core or distributed or concurrent environments
Class :BE  Machine Learning
1  Identify the needs and challenges of machine learning for real time applications
2 Apply various data pre-processing techniques to simplify and speed up machine
learning algorithms.
3 Select and apply appropriately supervised machine learning algorithms for
real timeapplications.
4 Implement variants of multi-class classifier and measure its performance
5 Compare and contrast different clustering algorithms
6  Design a neural network for solving engineering problems.
Class: BE                                     Blockchain Technology
1 : Interpret the fundamentals and basic concepts in Blockchain
2 Compare the working of different blockchain platforms
3 Use Crypto wallet for cryptocurrency based transactions
4 Analyze the importance of blockchain in finding the solution to the real-world
5 Illustrate the Ethereum public block chain platform
6 Identify relative application where block chain technology can be effectively used
Class :BE     Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
1  Analyze threats in order to protect or defend it in cyberspace from cyber-attacks
2 Build appropriate security solutions against cyber-attacks.
3 Underline the need of digital forensic and role of digital evidences
4  Explain rules and types of evidence collection 
5 Analyze, validate and process crime scenes
6 Identify the methods to generate legal evidence and supporting investigation reports.
Class: BE                                     Software Testing and Quality Assurance
1 Describe fundamental concepts in software testing such as manual testing, automation
testingand software quality assurance
2 Design and Develop project test plan, design test cases, test data, and conduct test
3 Apply recent automation tool for various software testing for testing software
4 Apply different approaches of quality management, assurance, and quality standard to
5 Apply and analyze effectiveness Software Quality Tools
6 Apply tools necessary for efficient testing framework
Class: BE                                    High Performance Computing 
1 Understand various Parallel Paradigm
2 Design and Develop an efficient parallel algorithm to solve given problem
3 Illustrate data communication operations on various parallel architecture 
4 Analyze and measure performance of modern parallel computing systems
5 Apply CUDA architecture for parallel programming
6 Analyze the performance of HPC applications
Class: BE                                  Deep Learning
1  Understand the basics of Deep Learning and apply the tools to implement deep
2 Evaluate the performance of deep learning models (e.g., with respect to the bias-variance tradeoff, overfitting and underfitting, estimation of test error).
3 To apply the technique of Convolution (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
forimplementing Deep Learning models 
4 To implement and apply deep generative models
5 Construct and apply on-policy reinforcement learning algorithms
6 To Understand Reinforcement Learning Process
Class: BE                                    Natural Language Processing
1 Describe the fundamental concepts of NLP, challenges and issues in NLP
2 Analyze Natural languages morphologically, syntactical and semantically OR
Describe the concepts of morphology, syntax, semantics of natural language
3 Illustrate various language modelling techniques
4 Integrate the NLP techniques for the information retrieval task
5 Demonstrate the use of NLP tools and techniques for text-based processing of natural
6 Develop real world NLP applications
 Class: BE                                    Pattern Recognition
 1  Analyze various type of pattern recognition techniques
2  Identify and apply various pattern recognition and classification approaches to
solvethe problems 
3  Evaluate statistical and structural pattern recognition
4 Percept recent advances in pattern recognition confined to various applications
5 Implement Bellman‘s optimality principle and dynamic programming 
6 Analyze Patterns using Genetic Algorithms & Pattern recognition applications.
 Class: BE                                    Business Intelligence
1  Differentiate the concepts of Decision Support System & Business Intelligence
2 Use Data Warehouse & Business Architecture to design a BI system. 
3 Build graphical reports
4 Apply different data preprocessing techniques on dataset
5 Implement machine learning algorithms as per business needs 
6 Identify role of BI in marketing, logistics, and finance and telecommunication sector