Program Outcomes

1.    Engineering Knowledge

a.     An ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals appropriate to Computer Engineering.

2.    Problem Analysis

b.    An ability to define the problems and provide solutions by designing and conducting experiments, interpreting and analyzing data.

3.    Design & Development of Solutions

c.     An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system, process, component and program to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.

4.    Investigation of Complex Problem

d.    An ability to investigate, formulates, analyze and provide appropriate solution to the engineering problems.

5.    Modern Tools Usage

e.     An ability to use modern engineering tools and technologies necessary for engineering practices.

6.    Engineer and Society

f.     An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society.

7.    Environment & Sustainability

g.    An ability to understand the environmental issues and provide the sustainable system.

8.    Ethics

h.         An ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility.

9.    Individual & Team work

i.    An ability to function effectively as an individual or as a team member to accomplish the goal.

10. Communication

j.          An ability to communicate effectively at different levels.

11. Project management & Finance

k.  An ability to apply knowledge of principles of resource management and economics to provide better services in the field of  Engineering

12. Lifelong Learning

l.   An ability to keep abreast with contemporary technologies through lifelong learning.